[LRflex] Re: Using the M6

  • From: Wayne Serrano <wayneserrano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 10:56:38 -0500 (EST)


Very well stated.  Only carry that which you can run quickly with.. Made me 
have a flashback to a situation in a not so nice part of LA where I felt 
threatened and had to use an M6 in a way not intended for picture taking, but 
that is another story all together.



-----Original Message-----
>From: tedgrant@xxxxxxx
>Sent: Jan 8, 2010 10:23 AM
>To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [LRflex] Re: Using the M6  "AND ALL YOUR GEAR!"
>A rather interesting topic. Some simple working thoughts.
>There's taking everything you own! Wrong in many cases. It's the assignment 
>that dictates what you take and use, not about just carrying yer stuff!!  Most 
>important thing to remember at all times and it doesn't matter whom you are?
>'NEVER CARRY MORE THAN YOU CAN RUN WITH!" This isn't offered for funny! This 
>is a very serious point for you to understand. Whatever you have around your 
>neck and shoulders you had better be able to wrap your arms around your body & 
>the neck straps with a camera in each hand and run like a rabbit! If you can't 
>do that there is something wrong. Either cut back on how much you carry or get 
>into a fitness program and get in shape!!! 
>You are either doing the "show off all my stuff syndrome." Hey look at me and 
>my stuff, which is stupid! Like who cares! Only you!
>Rather than carrying yer big equipment bag wear a photo vest......spread the 
>weight over both your shoulders and upper body!  A good one well made and 
>sturdy, put the little bitty things in the pouches. In the olden days you 
>could carry 25 to 50 rolls of film in the big pouches or back pouch pus an 
>extra small lens or two and more. Wear the camera or cameras around your neck 
>& shoulders. Definitely if you are going to be in a big crowd and will need 
>your camera or lenses changed quickly, besides big bags are quite frankly a 
>big pain in the ass in a crowd because... 
>Depending on assignment... think about what you're going to be shooting and 
>take only that which you are sure you will use. Again don't carry stuff just 
>to impress people.... you wont other than some unfortunate amateur who doesn't 
>know any better than you.
>Every comment I make is and has been dictated by assignments covered... So 
>when I tell you I worked "some assignments" with 3 M's of whatever model 
>hanging off my neck on my chest, 2 R's whatever, motor driven on the left 
>shoulder with different lenses and another off the right shoulder I'm not 
>fooling. By the same token many times only one M under my dinner jacket at a 
>large social function with either the Noctilux or a 35mm. This type requires 
>absolute available light and being very quick and discreet! On occasion a 
>small 21 in a pocket... usually never needed. :-) See "TOO MUCH GEAR!" :-) 
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