[klaatumail] Re: Formats, availability, etc

  • From: Jaimie Vernon <bullseyecanada@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 09:55:33 -0500

In the summer I sold off almost every Klaatu 7" single I had because we were 
unable to pay rent/feed the kids/put gas in the car.

A list member was kind enough to buy them from me.

Interestingly, on Saturday, another list member gave me THEIR entire collection 
because they no longer want the clutter in their life. I am now back where I 
started :-)

The money issue is a big one for me...and I have been selling off parts of my 
monumental Canadian music collection (some 3000 LPs and 2500 7" singles). I 
sold 13 singles alone for $550 one day.

However, it will ultimately help with a larger problem in my life which is the 
clutter. After my father passed away in 2007, my mother has been clearing out 
rooms full of his mess. I do not want to leave THAT to my family one day. I'm 
hoping it won't be for another 40 or 50 years...but...the fact remains. There 
is too much stuff. I did without much material wealth growing up. I think I 
compensated for that by buying what I missed out on when I was finally able to 
afford things on my own.

I've gotten plenty of use out of them. It's time to move on.

Oh...and if you're holding on to stuff to hand down to your kids that AREN'T 
heirlooms, they will toss the stuff when you're dead. Do you really think your 
children want to be burdened with a worthless vinyl and 8-track tape 
collection? My kids don't even like the music I have on vinyl.

Jaimie Vernon,
President, Bullseye Records
1-800-JOE-RADI(O) // 1-800-563-7234
CDs: http://www.bullseyecanada.com
MP3s: http://www.bullseyesongs.com
RADIO: http://www.radiothatdoesntsuck.com
SWAG: http://www.cafepress.com/bullseyecanada
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/bullseyecanada
MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/bullseyecanada

Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia

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               - http://radio3.cbc.ca/bands/Jaimie-Vernon
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