[klaatumail] Re: Formats, availability, etc

  • From: "Jens C. Lindblad" <jens.lindblad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 17:41:59 +0100

Still got my vinyl. Only a couple of hundred albums so not a big collection. 
Most of the stuf I wanted to replace I replaced. For fun, once in a while I 
dig out an old Classic album; Deutsche Grammophon, Karakan, Wagner, that 
stuff and marvel at the sound coming from vinyl. Truly awesome.

And I haven't yet been bothered to sell those I don't want anymore.

Recently I threw out a lot of cassettes I knew I didn't want lying around. 
Recordings done as a kid, recording with the mike instead of the proper DIN 

Some of the cassettes I'll keep though, recordings of my God-mother singning 
in a choir, radio-shows featuring personal friends. These are simply 
un-replaceable. But I'm in a bit os spot you see, because I'm down to one 
working cassette player. I really need to figure out how to transfer those 
to a digital medium.

Some cassettes haver their own personal history with me. One was a gift, 
another was bought in a special place or during a vacation, so the physical 
cassettes have their stories attached to them.

Remember how the tape started hissing just before the actual recording? I 
still kind of miss that sort of "announcement" today.

I never had 8-tracks or reel-to-reel.

I still prefer the CD over a download though. I screw up my eyes in pain and 
wrinkle my nose at anything less than 320 kbps.  Consequnetly some of my 
CD's now live in the kitchen cupboards :-O

Taking up more space than cassettes, vinyl, and CD's though, are my books. 
And I'll keep on to them for as long as I can read.

But what I really wanted to discuss is that - given we had not had the 
wonderful opportunity to appreciate the works of John, Dee and Terry thanks 
to the efforts of Jamie yourself, and other good people by actually being 
able to buy Klaatu and solo CD's, thereby offering at least bit of financial 
support to them, would I have been tempted to search for and download any 
existing bootlegs from the net?

Well, if there hadn't been anything else than old cassettetapes or second 
hand shops as the source.... I probably would have.


From: "Bradley, David" <David_Bradley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 3:31 PM
To: <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [klaatumail] Formats, availability, etc

> Hi everyone,
> I have questions, questions, questions.....
> With the release of SunSet and Solology, as well as the release of the
> Bullseye Remasters of the 5 albums, most of our vinyl collections are
> now redundant.
> The singles are available on CD on Bullseye (with one or two exceptions,
> which are then available elsewhere on CD), the LPs are available on CD,
> the previously unavailable tracks are available on CD.....
> SO.... Are YOU still holding onto your vinyl?  Cassettes?  8-tracks?
> If so, why?
> If not, why not?
> I'm still holding onto mine because of the OCD collector in me.
> Not to mention that vinyl records are beautiful to hold in ways that CDs
> just can never be.
> I'll listen to the CDs, but prefer to touch the records.
> The cassettes and 8-tracks are also held onto because of the OCD
> collector in me.
> But that brings up another question. For those of us who were used to
> the 8-tracks, do you miss the altered running order that to you was the
> normal running order?  Do you miss the fade out and fade in during the
> middle of some tracks that was caused by trying to make all 4 programs
> on the cartridge equal length?
> What about the formats is important to you if you're holding onto them?
> What about the formats is meaningless to you if you're getting rid of
> them?
> Are you getting rid of them because you need the money?  Because you're
> trying to cut down on clutter in your life?  Because you're moving to a
> smaller place because of a need to save money?  Or simply because
> they're redundant?
> That leads me to another series of questions.....
> For items that are NOT available on CD, what length will you go to to
> get them?
> Would you purchase an outright counterfeit CD through an online seller
> for something you knew wasn't available on CD yet, and may never be?
> Let the fun begin....
> Dave

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