[gmpi] 3.11 topic: Dynamic plugin structure

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: GMPI list <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 23:45:34 -0700

Dynamic plugin structure:
It was asked if plugins would have parameters (and I/Os) that would change
at runtime.  It was pointed out that several existing APIs allow IO configs
to change at run time.

A modular model was proposed, where the plugin defines 1 or more static
module classes.  The module classes can then be instantiated in the running
plugin.  A change such as this is not an automatable change, and is not a
realtime operation.  It can be thought of as akin to a plugin
destroy/re-create process.

It was pointed out that DXi requires the host to confirm that a
plugin-initiated structural change is allowed.  It was suggested that the
plugin might also need to confirm a host-initiated structural change.

Use cases for this included a modular synth/effect, a mixer, and complex VA
synths (which would otherwise have hundreds of parameters).

Q: is it required to support dynamic plugin structures, and thereby a
dynamic parameter list?

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