[gmpi] Re: 3.11 topic: Dynamic plugin structure

  • From: "Jeff McClintock" <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 17:48:22 +1200

Hi Tim,
Looking good....

> If it has a dynamic structure, then it can have a blob parameter to handle
> that.

 Storing dynamic structure in a parameter presents a chicken-and-egg
scenario, how do you restore parameters before the plugin knows how many it
  What I was getting at, is we store it in a *property*.

> I was assuming properties are produced by the plugin for the host, and
> never vice versa.  Or are some properties read-only while some are
> read-write?

Properties are usually read-only.  In the case of a dynamic plugin, you have
a property that specifies the configuration.  It could be a blob, for
example.  This parameter is flagged as read-write.

To save plugin state:
-save read-write properties (if any)
-save parameters

to load:
-restore read-write properties
-restore parameters

e.g. mixer has variable number of channels, each channel has 3 parameters.

-Host first restores property "number of channels".( plugin updates it's
parameter list )
-Plugin configuration is now up-to-date.
-Host can restore parameters.

Host needn't know which property determins the configuration.  The host just
needs to know that read-write properties affect the parameter list and IO.

Hope that makes sense...

Best Regards,

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