[bksvol-discuss] Re: If text is too good

  • From: James Nuttall <jnuttallphd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 12:26:20 -0700 (PDT)

Hello grpup:
As I say I'm new to submitting books to bookshare.org. This what I'm doing 
which takes more time than simply scanning a book. (1) I scan the book by 
chapter. (2) I spell check the book in the OCR program. (3) I save as rtf. (4) 
I take the document into a word processor whch strips out the bogus hyphenation 
words caused by book formating, since these are not needed. (5) but when I do 
that I must reinsert the page breaks. (6) I've corrected formating in reference 
pages since the OCR messes things up.with references for some reason. The only 
drawback I've found with my submssions is when I take out the "exact" book 
formating to get ride of the bogus hyphens, the page headers are placed right 
above the text. Hence the stripper should not delete them.
I hope this makes for a very easy validation. If people find that these steps 
do not lead to an easy validation, please let me know what else can be done.
Jim Nuttall -- Michigan

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