[lit-ideas] Re: Faith

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 23:45:58 -0400

you've managed to sally forth two of the most hackneyed clichs [sic] of 
modern rhetoric: Nazism (usually Hitler) and flat-earthers.  Thank you 
for a good laugh and the chance to type "LOL" and mean it literally.

And you Brian, in the entire history of this list, are the first person 
to respond to a list member's poetry with such a tactless, boorish, 
utterly mean-spirited and petty dismissal. Mike Geary was very 
chivalrous to you, but you don't deserve it. You are the first prize ass 
in the entire list's history, and that's ASS in all caps and meant 

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