[haiku] Re: please keep non-GSoC comments out of these threads; was [GSsC] usermode Haiku or file system development

  • From: "Jorge G. Mare" <koki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 12:57:49 -0700

Hi Nickos,

Nickos V wrote:
> I am sorry, but you got it upside down. I was the one insulted! It is
> Matt Madia who insulted me.
Yes, Matt insulted you and it was uncalled for.  Everyone on this list
saw it.  No need to bring it up over & over.  Let it go.

There are two very distinct parts to this thread, one before Matt's "assholes can ruin your project" hit and run, and another that took life after (and as a result of) it.

In the first part, I briefly agreed with someone else's observations (about lack of focus), and then responded once more *only* because I was asked for clarifications from Stippi (who, in case you don't know, is a core developer). This response led to few exchanges (which I thought were friendly) with another developar (PulkoMandy); I made my points, he made his, and all was OK AFAICT. I saw nothing unusual here, and nowhere in these few messages did I have any intention of imposing anything or disrespecting anyone.

The mass of the not so nice messages actually came in the second part of this thread, which was fueled by Matt's incursion. All those messages only happened because Matt could not resist the temptation to insult me. So if you truly believe that Matt's insult was uncalled for, then please put your money where your mouth is, as they say, and blame him and not me for this thread going down the way it went.

And as long as people try to tell me that what happened in this thread is my fault, I will keep defending my position, because I have no doubt that in this particular case I am right.

Jorge, you made your points on Matt & Haiku's direction clear. I agree that it would be nicer if the focus was more towards getting to Alpha->Beta->R1 quicker (would attract more developers) BUT:
1)  Haiku would not exist without developers (they coded Haiku)
2) Developers use their unpaid, spare time to code and should code on what they want. You think it is fun being in a room coding
after working?  Or having someone tell them how to use their time?
3) Since developers are writing the Haiku code they should decide what to work on themselves.
4)  writing code happens quicker when developer enjoys working
on certain task/project

Also, the focus this time around for GSOC participants is to attract developers who will stay and contribute to Haiku in long run. Letting students program something that excites them (enjoy) has better chance of getting them to finish and stay on after completing their project - whether it be for R1 or R2. So, in the end this could pay off too.
Getting Alpha2 out will also attract a few casual developers too.
Attention and focus needs to be put on getting this done soon.

All of us should be happy that Haiku even exists.  These guys could
have done something else with their time instead of working to
code Haiku.

You voiced your suggestions and concerns and they were heard.
That is all you can do and have to accept whatever decision
is made in the end whether you agree with it or not.  That is life.

As I explained in one of my previous paragraphs, I simply made my observations about how I thought GSoC could contribute getting to R1 faster, mainly in response to a request for clarification from Stippi and another message from PulkoMandy that came later. The core devs are always free to make whatever decisions they see fit, but that does not mean that I cannot voice my opinion. I have been a major contributor to the project since 2006, so I think I have earned the right to speak too, even if I am not a developer.

Lets all try to get along.

Oh, I can get along well, as long as you are nice to me. :)


Jorge/aka Koki
Website: http://haikuzone.net
RSS: http://haikuzone.net/rss.xml

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