[geocentrism] Re: Voyager

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 00:12:36 +0100 (BST)

"Glover, Rob" <Rob.Glover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"So, you do have a problem with satellites in the 22,300 mile high
'geosynchronous' orbit, the ones that are allowing you to watch the Olympics at 
the moment?"
I'm not watching the Olympics at the moment, because I do not have a television.
"You believe they don't exist, is that right?"
That is correct. There are geocentrists that accept them, but I'm not one of 
them. The electronics would be completely destroyed by radiation, although you 
consider that to be "old hat."
"What about the satellites of the GPS network, 12,000 miles up, that assist 
aircraft in navigation and lost hikers to find their way home? You believe that 
they are fake, is that right?"
Most GPS is achieved by ground-based stations (the existence of which is 
"explained" by the satellites having to beam down to them, rather than to a GPS 
"Did you fly anywhere for your holidays? Then you are a hypocrite Dr Jones."

Why, because the pilot was not having to constantly take account of the 
rotation of the World?
"Firstly, The arguments about Van Allen and solar flare are tediously old hat 
and are debunked."
I gave you some of the reasons that you asked me for, but they were not to your 
liking. Perhaps I should give you more, and you let me know when you do like 
one of them? 
"Secondly, I fail to see what the direction of the Moon's travel round the 
Earth has to do with our ability to send probes there."
NASA sends its rockets off from the east coast of America, heading across the 
Atlantic. I.e., they travel west to east. However, in a geostatic system, the 
Moon (and most other things) are going east to west. The Moon and the capsule 
would be approaching each other at almost 90,000 mph. Does this answer your 
"Let's hear your reasons. But before you start, don't bother to try any of
the following: no stars, non-parallel shadows, film temperature, non-moving 
backgrounds, shadowed objects being visible. They are all standard Hoax 
Conspiracy arguments and all totally worthless."
Before we start, you need to learn some respect. 

"There is this great difference between the works of men and the works of God, 
that the same minute and searching investigation, which 
displays the defects and imperfections of the one, brings out also the beauties 
of the other." - Alexander Hislop, "The Two Babylons." 
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