[geocentrism] Re: Voyager

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 11:17:49 +0100 (BST)

"Glover, Rob" <Rob.Glover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> asked:
Q: "Do [I] concede that NASA (and incidentally, many other
nations including Russia, China, India, Japan, not forgetting ESA) have in
fact launched satellites, and humans, into Earth Orbit?"
A: Low Earth Orbit (LEO), yes. This is defined as being 200-400 miles above the 
World's surface. I have no problem with that.

Q: "Then what evidence 'convinced' [me] that they did not, or could not, send 
spacecraft to the Moon, and further?"
A: Van Allen radiation belts, solar flare activity, the limitations of liquid 
oxygen/liquid hydrogen rocket engines, the claims made by certain bodies, the 
fact that the Moon is travelling east to west, and not west to east, to name a 
few little problems.
Q: "What evidence convinced you that every single image, rock sample and data 
item gathered by the scientific space programmes of the last 40 years, by many 
nations, including some of the most beautiful photographs ever taken, are 
A: I have, in the past, done a considerable amount of professional studio 
photography, with the type of camera that was supposedly used on the Moon, and 
I can tell you that those "beautiful photographs" were most definitely not 
taken on the surface of the Moon.
Q: "I suspect that no such evidence did, and that you believe what you believe 
because of some literal interpretation of the Bible. That makes me then ask:
Why on Earth do you consider your religion to be so fragile that it could
possibly be threatened by anything in this data? Is not the incredibly vast, 
awe-inspiring, unimaginably ancient, subtle, wondrous real universe an 
elevating stage for a true deity, one that is worthy of the name God, a
being that transcends ourselves, our world and the mayfly lifespans of our tiny 
civilizations? For your religion, does it not make your God greater even than 
the ancients could ever have dreamed?"
A: The God of Abraham wrote that the World is established and CANNOT be moved. 
If the World does not move, then the Sun, Moon, stars go daily around it. If 
that is the case, then the stars are NOT huge distances away. If that is the 
case, then the explanation of redshifts and blueshifts must be something other 
than recessional velocities. I do not consider my faith to be fragile. However, 
I do consider modern "science" to be fragile and fickle.
Q: "It seems to me about as rational as a follower of the old Babylonian
religions refusing to countenance the existence of Australia or America, as 
they are not mentioned in the Enuma Elish."
A: I'm sorry you feel that way, Rob, but there is not much I can do about it.
Best wishes,

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