[gameprogrammer] Re: Welcome new members!

  • From: Vince <uberneen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 08:31:36 -0800 (PST)

Hello everyone.

I keep seeing these welcome posts and thinking I'll comment and then I put it 
off.  Lately I've been in a sort of programming doldrums so I figure now is a 
good time to stop lurking and attempt to participate.
I joined the list many years ago when I was first tinkering with C and SDL.  
I've always been a self-taught sort of hobbyist, but through myriad low-wage 
tech slave jobs in my youth, I've managed to build up enough knowledge and 
experience that I'm now comfortably employed as an IT manager and programmer 
for a manufacturing company that takes good care of me.
Over the years I've pumped out production tracking and reporting software, 
inventory systems (if you're a 92Y in the U.S. Army you might have even used 
one!), more web related crap than I care to think about, and various other 
mundane business applications that have minor interesting parts, but are 
generally mind-numbing.  It pays the bills and I'm happy with it overall.
I play a lot of games and I've tried to write quite a few of my own over the 
years.  What usually happens there is that I build some very pleasing proofs of 
concept and quit.  Every failed attempt is educational and I'm often surprised 
at how many concepts I learn in game development are directly applicable to my 
day job.
I've managed to complete some games, but they're pretty simple really, just a 
tower defense thing and a fairly challenging lander game.
I favor 3D games and I've tested out height map terrain generation, 
ray-triangle collision, some bullet physics demos, and a number of other common 
3D related concepts.  They're all just proofs of concept though, lacking any 
kind of form or organization. 

Lately I'm not doing much of anything though.  Life keeps us all busy and it's 
difficult to immerse yourself in one sort of code all day and then get home and 
have the motivation to do it all over again for one of your own projects, but 
for more than a decade I've managed to do just that.  The sloppy and poorly 
documented transition from fixed function opengl to the programmable pipeline 
has been discouraging (writing anything that doesn't run on the big 3 OS' is 
pretty much out of the question for me, so no directx).  I've gotten better at 
keeping my ideas realistic for a single developer, but ultimately I find myself 
having issues with design.
I grew up with a Commodore Vic20 and my first _real_ language was pascal.  I am 
uncomfortable in strict object oriented environments and I have a hard time 
finding the sort of documentation I need, which is essentially theory and best 
My instinct is to just knuckle down and work it all out, but as I get older and 
more involved with life in general, I find myself wishing I had a teacher I 
could talk to about concerning these rudimentary concepts that I've failed to 
pick up over time.

This is a project I took on last year for a contest.

Over the course of development I learned a lot about C++, which can make parts 
of the source a little confusing as I might apply a concept in one place but 
not another.  I reached a point where I felt like I could complete it, but I 
wouldn't be happy with the code or organization when I was done.  I was also 
getting burned out so I just filed it away and figured I'd come back to it at 
some point and try a rewrite.
I know this list encapsulates a lot of talent, so I guess I'm asking if anyone 
has the time to critique that monstrosity of mine and give me some advice.
That is a large and ambiguous request and I'm not quite sure how to narrow it 
down.  I guess I'd like to try a rewrite, but in collaboration with someone who 
knows what they're doing and can answer questions about design and technique.

Sorry for the novel, and thanks for reading.



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