[amc] a note from the pastor

  • From: "garland robertson" <pastor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Austin Mennonite Church" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 09:55:54 -0600

Members and Friends of Austin Mennonite Church


I trust you are refreshed in your spirit by the provisions God gives us to
sustain our journeys.


In our next lesson from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus introduces a topic of
popular appeal - sexuality.  Because nearly all humans can recognize the
extensive sensual nature of sexual expression and its capacity to produce
pleasant experiences, no doubt those who first heard this dialogue were as
interested in it as most of us will be.  Sexuality occupies a dominate place
in discussions and patterns in our society:  media presentations, sports
events, advertising techniques, fashion promotions all use sexuality themes
to generate interest and prompt desired responses from consumers.  Sexuality
may indeed be the most influential factor in motivating many persons to
decide how they will spend surplus resources, whether it is time or money or
leisurely daydreaming.  Whether the audience is male or female, sexuality is
a subject all humans consider, either in a positive or a negative way;
either with comfortableness or with antagonism.  We may earnestly desire it
to be otherwise, yet the magnitude and attraction inherent in the nature of
sexuality require that we appropriate it in our discussions and lifestyles.
Jesus also knew of these dynamics associated with sexuality, and he sets out
to give us some insight about how to affirm the blessing in this basic,
potent human sensuality.  These thoughts will compose the sermon for next
Sunday, 'Application 2: Adultery and purity.'


May it go well with you.  Sincerely,

Garland Robertson




...always hold firmly to the thought that each one of us can do something to
bring some portion of misery to an end


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