[lit-ideas] Re: On the prospect of World Peace

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 23:49:20 -0700

Quite simply: if Lawrence thinks that Fukuyama supports liberal democracy, when exactly why is "liberal democracy" a term that he and Fukuyama use as an insult? Neocons despise liberal democracy. It produces equal rights, tolerance, diversity, and all those things that the neocons dislike. Does bin Laden has legal rights? Does Lawrence really want the USA to take a legal approach to bin Laden and deploy lawyers in the World Court? Of course not.

I said Fukuyama was brilliant and an excellent writer. He knows that he can't come out and say "down with the US Constitution!", so he hides behind rhetorical arguments. Lawrence writes that after the Berlin Wall fell, Fukuyama was seen as a triumphalist ("the West has won!"). Fukuyama himself rejects that view. Fukuyama writes that liberal democracy shall win, but he means that in an ironic sense.

Here is a central passage, which I originally pointed out to Lawrence several 
months ago:

"The end of history would mean the end of wars and bloody revolutions.
Agreeing on ends, men would have no large causes for which to fight.  They
would satisfy their needs through economic activity, but they would no
longer have  to risk their lives in battle.  They would, in other words,
become animals again, as they were before the bloody battle that began
history.  A dog is content to sleep in the sun all day provided he is fed,
because he is not dissatisfied with what he is.  He does not worry that
other dogs are doing better than him, or that his career as a dog has
stagnated, or that dogs are being oppressed in a distant part of the world.
If man reaches a society in which he has succeeded in abolishing injustice,
his life will come to resemble that of the dog."

Read that and think of Bush saying that. Or Cheney saying that. They think Americans have become weak and flaccid and must stand up and fight.

Read that last sentence once again:

"If man reaches a society in which he has succeeded in abolishing injustice, his life will come to resemble that of the dog."

If Blacks are equal to whites, and Adam can marry Steve, and women get equal pay for equal work, and wealth has been redistributed, we will become dogs? When Fukuyama, the theorectical darling of the Neocons, wrote this, did the Neocons agree with this, or did they reject this as Kojeve's (misguided) thoughts and they were glad that soon, injustice would be abolish?

Neocons have engineered massive tax breaks for the wealthy, looted the US treasury, started illegal racist wars, and are plundering the global environment, and now we're supposed to believe they are really fighting to abolish injustice?

Lawrence asks:

I confess to having trouble following the thought processes of Irene and
Andreas.  Just why Andreas has concluded his note with "Lawrence is taking a
stand on both sides: he applauds Fukuyama for processes that will result in
world peace, and he rejects anyone who talks about world peace. We know
where he really stands."  What could Andreas possibly mean by this?

and then he answers himself:

The military will be needed to fight against Rogue states bent upon aggressive military action against Liberal Democracies. In other words we still need to fight wars against hostile malevolent forces bent upon the destruction or domination of Liberal
Democratic nations. We don't want to give up our means of defense until it is clear that it is no longer needed.

Namely, "world peace" for Lawrence means military destruction of his enemies, and there's no end to that list. Lawrence wants to bomb the world to establish world peace. There will never be an end to Lawrence's quest for peace because he also believes in the Clash of Civilizations, and as long as there is anyone else, even Canadians, it's "hostile malevolent forces bent upon our destruction".

Lawrence wants me to believe that he is a liberal and a pacifist, yet at the same time, he accuses me of being... a liberal and pacifist.


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