[lit-ideas] Re: Five Years Ago

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 21:43:48 -0700

Lawrence Helm said, in its entirety, the following:

No, I don't believe the Left wants to eliminate Liberal Democracy and
install Islamism.  What I do believe is that by supporting Islamism and
opposing the US they are in effect pursuing just that.

But Lawrence, the neocons are doing precisely that: they are supporting Islamism (their allies in Iraq are the Shiite) and they installed an Islamicist government (namely, the Shiites).

Now you'll tell me that if Leftists do this, they're destroying democracy, but if the rightwing does this, they create democracy and establish peace.

Peace? What peace? Look, three months ago, a US military study found that 60% of the deaths in Iraq were done by the Shiites. Namely, our side. Not the al-Qaedians nor the Sunni rebels. Our side.

But that was three months ago. The situation has changed.

But not for the better. Now, most of the killing is between Shiite factions. "Our side" is fighting among itself over the spoils.

The Sunni rebels and the al-Qaeders aren't even relevant anymore. When Bush says we have to stay in Iraq, it's to... what? Support the Shiites who are doing most of the killing? How will the US Army create peace by arming the very ones who are killiing?

You have zero position in the war anymore. You have zero idea of what is going on there. You have no sense of accountability.

You can't bring yourself to admit that you were wrong and the war was a 


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