[haiku] Re: Deskbar auto-raise

  • From: Stephan Aßmus <superstippi@xxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 08:23:58 +0100

Diego Perez schrieb:
Hi, I'm new. Diego Perez, from Buenos Aires. I am interested on getting
involved in haiku development.
I am still downloading the trunk and I will try to make a patch for
proposing it to be included. It is related to this subject.

Welcome on bord, Diego!

(In Deskbar´s default placement its hardly
inaccessible, and even in other placements it´s
not impossible to send to back the covering

It would be better fix the real issue;
why it gets covered in the first place.
[Diego Perez] Not sure about this... I was discussing this at the IRC channel yesterday
and today, and what I took from the discussion and from my personal
preference is to include an option to set the default zoomed window position
not to cover the deskbar if the deskbar is at full size and in the same
Someone (sorry, I can't remember who) referenced me to:
The Deskbar could come to front for only as
long as the mouse pointer is hovering above it,
and then return to the previously active app.
That wouldn´t fix my beef with Deskbar auto-raise.
Granted, it would save me a click to restore focus
to Firefox, but the interruption would still happen
now-and-again until I turn auto-raise off or learn
not to fling the mouse at Deskbar unless I mean to
use it.

I think Deskbar should adhere to the default
policy of click-to-raise(-and-focus).
[Diego Perez] Both things (the click-to-raise and the option to not cover when deskbar is
at full size) does not conflict between them, but perhaps it could make you
(and many others) feel comfortable with the behavior.
What do you think?

I think the problem is how the auto-raise behavior actually works in Deskbar. There should simply be a delay. Right now, the Deskbar will immediately pop to the front if you just hit the hot edge of the screen. Instead, there should be a short timeout in which the mouse shouldn't move and remain at the hot edge. I don't know if that would already fix the problem that Jonas is experiencing, but if he just wants to fling his mouse out of sight, anywhere, then he may as well get use to fling it to a different corner... :-) if that's acceptable...

Then after fixing the auto-raise, one could additionally experiment with adjusted default-zooming. I am not so sure about this. The space that windows would stop using is quite big actually. Maybe if Deskbar is along the top or bottom it would make perfect sense not to cover it up, while when Deskbar is in one of the vertical modes, cover it anyway.

Best regards,

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