[gmpi] Re: lost-n-found #3 parameter stuff

  • From: "Ron Kuper" <RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 09:44:09 -0400

> 1. Are numeric (int/float/enum) parameters hard ranges or suggested
>    ranges?

I don't mind suggested ranges, and of course plugins need to know how to
clamp values.  (Or be 'creative' when they get overdriven, for plugins
that go to 11.)

One important thing we need, based on personal experience with VST and
DX, is the ability to format and parse value strings from parameter
values.  Quite often a plugin will expose a parameter as a linear 0-1
float value, but in fact some non-linear mapping is applied to produce
the actual value for DSP or whatever.

An obvious example is volume.  Many plugins expose volume as 0-1 float
which denotes the position of a virtual fader.  The actual dB value is
computed via some non-linear mapping.  For this reason, it's important
for the host to able to say plugin->ParamToString(x) for display, or to
call plugin->StringToParam(str) for data entry.

> 2. It was discussed at one point about flagging some strings as
> or even as project-local filenames, such that a host might be able to
> bundle a file (such as a sample) with a project automatically.  Should
> mention something like this?  I like this.

Instead of flagging a string as a file name, I'd rather break out an
explicit file name parameter type.  I assume we would require these to
be URLs?

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