[gmpi] Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 18:13:08 -0700

>>5. Sequencer/DAW type B - Same as 3, but live in is always enabled
and audio out is only enabled during play & record.

For whoever's taking notes, I think that should be 'Type C' since it adds a scenario to the two previous ones.

>I'm having trouble thinking of an application in which feeding a live
audio input into a plug-in graph would be useful, yet in which
there's no need for an audio output from the plug-in graph.

input = audio output = music data

eg. pitch tracking.

even so, i'm hard pressed to see why music data output would be
produced when audio data is not.

No, your case makes good sense. Maybe audio in -> pitch extractor -> MIDI event processors (transpose, split, strummer, etc.) - > HW MIDI interface output, e.g. to drive your K2500, etc.. No audio out from the plug-in framework in that case. Perfectly legitimate. Something I'd want to be able to do in a live performance situation.

-- Chris G.

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