[gmpi] Re: Requirements

  • From: "Frederic Vanmol" <frederic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 16:42:56 +0100

> Simplicity. Both from the point of view of the host and of the user (1
> file corrispond to 1 plugin => easier to remember where a plugin is).
> I really don't see the advantage of having multiple plugins in a file,
> except for the reason of having many plugins doing the same thing, but
> where controls are once streams and once single-events (see for example
> the plugins in the LADSPA SDK).

In terms of simplicity there's almost no difference between allowing and
disallowing it. It's really trivial to remember where a plugin is.


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