[gmpi] Re: Reqs TODO

  • From: Marc Poirier <fipnid@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 09:32:01 -0800 (PST)

--- RonKuper wrote:
> >>>
> I would like to see GMPI just do one audio sample format, and I would
> like
> it to be 64-bit float. 
> <<<
> I strongly disagree... sort of.<g>
> I would like GMPI to do a single audio sample format, and it should be
> called "sample_t".  If we wind up designing the notion of plugin
> profiles, then one profile can have sample_t be float, and another can 
> have it be double.
> I object to double as the preferred or nominal format because of memory
> bandwidth considerations.  Mundane DSP can get pretty expensive when you
> start requiring each audio data buffer to be twice as big as necessary.
> Double is important for internal state of DSP (such as coeffs in a
> biquad, for example), but for connecting objects float seems pretty 
> robust.

Expensive now, but I'm sure it will be quite different by the time GMPI
hits the streets (which I feel is still a very long time away).  I do
agree with others that we should just pick one sample format, though.  And
it just seems to me like we'll regret it by the time that GMPI finally
comes to be if we choose float now rather than double.  Sure we can change
it later, but it's already going to be "later" by the time GMPI becomes a
reality. But anyway, I'll drop it for now and maybe in a couple of years
when GMPI is closer to being done, folks will be more receptive to the


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