[gmpi] Re: Drilling down into MIDI->GMPI conversion

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 10:35:32 -0700

Good, Ron.  Let's really see if there are insurmountable holes.  Since no
one seems to be concerned with answering my queries for more information
on why MiG *is* needed, let's see if we can shoot down NMiG.

On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 09:49:17AM -0400, Ron Kuper wrote:
>    [1] Musicians can and will continue to record and perform music using
>    MIDI gear.  This means that any host application which allows the user
>    to record music will support MIDI input.  AFAIK they all do today.
>    This means that every host app which supports GMPI -- which I hope
>    means every host app! -- will need to perform MIDI->GMPI translation,
>    if it wants to host GMPI soft synths.


>    [1a] MIDI->GMPI conversion puts a new burden on a host app that wants
>    to support GMPI music plugins.  That could slow adoption.


>    [2] MIDI note-on messages are atomic in the sense they specify pitch
>    and "velocity" in one go.  It's not clear to me how you can translate
>    to this atomic event into a GMPI event while retaining atomicity, but
>    maybe I missed that one.

Hasn't been discussed, but can be solved (for example, voice IDs can link
events, or timestamps can indicate atomicity).

>    [3] There are 128 CC messages, 16k RPNs and 16k NRPNs in MIDI.  If
>    MIDI->GMPI translation is to be done in a "shallow" way by simply
>    converting bytes to floats, then a converter component needs to
>    specify ~32k parameters as meta data.  And plugins which respond to
>    MIDI need to, too.

This is too shallow.  MIDI->GMPI should use the natural parameters, not
*just* float.  You only need to specify 32k parameters in the pathological
case of handling every RPN and NRPN and CC ever allowed.  Are you telling
me you have such a beast? :)  You expose parameters for things you want.
The rest get dropped by the host.

>    [3a] Example:  I want to write a plugin that acts as a MIDI (music)
>    event filter.  The user gets to choose which MIDI messages to pass and
>    which to allow through.  This plugin necessarily needs to expose 32k
>    GMPI parameters?

You simply define the parameters that you want to handle.  The rest never
even get as far as your plugin.

>    [4] MIDI synths have fairly standardized controls like pitch bend,
>    modulation and aftertouch.  Connect any two hardware synths together,
>    wiggle the pitch bend on synth A, and synth B responds predictably.
>    Whatever GMPI's musical protocol is, all of these kinds of gestures --
>    each of which has a unique MIDI CC#  -- must map to a unique GMPI
>    controller.  Otherwise wiggling the pitch bend on my keyboard
>    controller won't won't cause a pitch bend on my soft synth.

There should exist a well-known mapping between well-known MIDI CCs and
GMPI parameters.  For example, if you have a hint that says "this
parameter expects the pitch-bend CC" then the host makes that all just

>    [4a] (Hearkens back to [1].)  MIDI is the de facto language for
>    capturing music performances today, and it's not likely to change
>    soon.  A MIDI message like "aftertouch" carries nuance and this must
>    be retained across any translation.  A keyboard controller connected
>    to a hardware sound module should yield the same sound as a controller
>    connected to GMPI host running the sound module as a plugin.

No problem.  Map aftertouch to a parameter.  If your synth doesn't handle
after-touch, it doesn't need to have that parameter.  Ditto velocity.
Ditto pitch.

>    ([3] & [4] suggest to me that for every *single* MIDI CC, RPN and
>    NRPN, there must be a similarly named GMPI controller with the same
>    semantics. If not, then you couldn't write a filter like in [3a], and
>    you couldn't play a soft synth through a keyboard controller with the
>    same level of interoperability as hardware.)

There is a smallish set of well-known CCs.  Every other CC and *RPN can be
mapped to any parameter your plugin desires.  If you want to map CC #123
to your comb-filter feedback level, that's fine.  Thmain difference
between this and plain MIDI is that you are declaring this mapping,
instead of relying on a MIDI-map in the manual.

>    [5] SysX needs to be it's own special blob type.  A GMPI plugin can't
>    say "my pin supports blob params" if it means "my pin supports SysX
>    params."  SysX is part of the gestural control I'm talking about in
>    [4], so a GMPI plugin needs to be able to recognize it.


>    [6] RPN and NRPN messages are 14-bits sent as MSB followed by LSB.
>    But the problem here is by converting to float and sending float
>    twice, you are sending 2 distinct parameter changes.  Some gear and
>    synths wouldn't behave that way.  They might ignore the MSB and wait
>    until the LSB arrives.  Other gear might act on the MSB immediately.
>    There is no way for the MIDI/GMPI translator to know!

You're right, there is no way to know.  As discussed at length last week,
this is ALWAYS a problem.  The simple heuruistic is to wait a small tick
for the LSB.  Either way, I don't believe this to be a really significant
issue.  Plugins could also do the buffering themselves:
 * If the LSB is zero, buffer the change for n samples, if there is no
   followup event, activate the MSB-only event.  This is the same as what
   hardware does now, right?  With an event queue, you could even look
   ahead in the queue to see if a second message for the same parameter

>    Summary:  Musical performances are going to come into the system as
>    MIDI messages 99% of the time.  The only way to safely guarantee no
>    loss of information is to translate MIDI 1:1.  But if the translation
>    is 1:1, why translate at all?

The reason to translate is to turn multiple sources (GMPI sequences, MIDI
input, OSC input, whatever) into a *single* protocol so that plugins only
need to handle that single protocol.  If we can entirelty capture a MIDI
performance as GMPI events, then your plugin does not need to handle both
MIDI and GMPI, just GMPI. 

Is that a fair goal, or does it just not matter?

> (And if the translation needn't be 1:1,
>    how do you resolve the issues raised by [4], [5] and [6].)

Have my answers been fair?

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