[gmpi] Re: Drilling down into MIDI->GMPI conversion

  • From: Steve Harris <S.W.Harris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:10:40 +0100

On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 12:00:50PM -0400, Ron Kuper wrote:
> > Right now, musicians shut out of MIDI have no effective way to use
> MIDI for this purpose
> But you seem to be suggesting that GMPI's control language will some how
> replace MIDI?  IOW you want MIDI 2.0 to be a subset of GMPI?  Taking
> MIDI out of GMPI won't lead to the perfect digital saxophone or violin.
> You're mashing together acousting music and electronic music.

I dont want to speak for Paul, but personally, I dont want that. This
reason to keep MIDI out of the graph is so that plugins aren't limited to
MIDI concepts, which they will be if they talk MIDI at a low level.

If we translate a control language into GMPI internal control data then
GMPI can use whatever more expressive protocols come along, without
having to recode the plugins.
> GMPI is about music on computers. If you aren't recording sounds, you're
> recording musical gestures.  Until somebody invents MIDI 2.0 --
> something which I didn't sign up to do -- MIDI is it.

Yeah, MIDI 2.0, or OSC or USB-HID or CV or...

It doesnt have to be MIDI to control instruments, any adequatly (or
inadequately) expressive control protocol will do, all it needs is host
support - as long as we allow and encourage plugins to be written in a
protocol neutral way.

- Steve

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