[gmpi] Re: Decision Time: 7.1.1

  • From: David Olofson <david@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 21:19:35 +0200

On Monday 09 June 2003 20.25, Tim Hockin wrote:
> > > One topic at a time.  Let's bang out a majority (or better) on
> > > each topic, PLEASE.
> >
> > we don't know how much we are , and who we are.  how we  could
> > vote and be sure that it's representative of something. we must
> > clarify these points.
> This is true - we don't have a total member tally.  I think a pure
> vote will not work.  Rather, what we have been doing is taking a
> majority of the active and vocal members, and giving a final window
> for dissent from anyone.
> Any problems with that rather informal method?

Well, what are the alternatives...? There isn't really much point in 
asking people who are not motivated to think through this thoroughly 
- and I believe most people we could find, that are not on this list, 
would belong in that category.

Anyway, my first thought in a situation like this would be to make a 
list of technical pros and cons of each alternative, and try to be as 
objective as possible about it. Doesn't really solve a problem like 
this though, as we're aware of the pros and cons, but not the 
importance of each one of them.

Anyway, here's my vote for now:

> Q 7.1.1: Do we support interleaved or mono buffers?
>   a) Mono buffers only.
>   b) Interleaved buffers only.
>   c) Either, as requested by the plugin.  Plugin chooses one
>      (global or per-stream).
>   d) Both, as requested by the plugin.  Plugin can specify
>      preference, but accept either (global or per-stream).

I like a), but I *think* c) could enable some performance improvement 
often enough to motivate the extra host side complexity. (I assume 
it's little more than a hint and hardwired code on the plugin side.)

So, unless I'm proven wrong, I vote for c).

I'm definitely against d). Too much plugin side complexity that cannot 
be avoided. That stuff should be done once, host side.

As to using interleaved buffers in general, I think it has to be 
properly motivated every time it's used. If you can't just pass 
interleaved buffers from plugin to plugin most of the time, why have 
them at all?

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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