[gmpi] Re: Decision Time: 7.1.1

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:34:33 -0700

Mike said:

Chris Grigg wrote:
>> So, unless I'm forgetting something, it seems like I'm (back) on the

a) side of the fence... Mono buffers only.

So you support (c), too.<g> Simply write all your plugins using mono buffers only. I understand (c) as a way to let someone who wants to do interleave, even if 99% of the world chooses not to.

not quite. it forces all host apps to support interleave even if they don't want to, because some plugins may demand it. thats a case of the tail wagging the dog if ever i saw one ... host buffer management is generally an order of magnitude more complex than what happens in a plugin.

Doesn't it work to say the plug -must- always support mono buffers, and -may- at its own option support interleave? Then a host that only does mono has no problem.

I would be OK with this. My concern was the one stated above, that host would have to do a lot of interleaving to support some plugins. But your suggest is just basically option (d).

Uh, no, d) says...

   d) Both, as requested by the plugin.  Plugin can specify
      preference, but accept either (global or per-stream).

...which has some ambiguity about whether mono would be required. I'm saying, what
if mono is always required and interleave is always optional.

-- Chris G.

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