[geocentrism] Re: Moving Earth Deception

  • From: Robert Bennett <robert.bennett@xxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 16:19:21 -0400

  Dear Robert,
  I have resurrected your posting regarding some NASA problems and its possible 
connection with geocentrism. This is a quote from the bottom of this website 
page http://www.planetary.org/programs/projects/pioneer_anomaly/

  'Whether it turns out to be an annoying spacecraft effect or a revolution in 
physics, the Pioneer Anomaly is a mystery that must be solved as we continue to 
explore the universe around us.' 

  Would they really countenance a revolution in physics?
  [Robert Bennett] 
  If it didn't support the spiritual and was ' discovered' by their own, I 
suppose so.
  Was watching a NOVA series TV  program that examined the discovery that the 
universe is accelerating in its expansion, despite the attraction of gravity 
and contrary to BB predictions. 
  The commentator (Neil Tyson of Rose Planetarium in NYC) accepted the fact 
that the recent supernova data challenged the current MS belief.
  Perhaps because the astronomers were from Berkeley, an MS bastion.
  What entertained me was the number of beliefs promoted on the show that I 
hold to be false....
  it seems the truth is slipping away ever faster....

  I did a Google on Radar detaction of meteors and the other items mentioned 
but couldn't find anything re NASA.
  [Robert Bennett]  My reference was to both MS and NASA(a subset of MS). 
  Meteor data is my latest research. ZL ecliptic symmetry I exposed in a prior 
posting with a link to my file server; aberrations are covered in depth in GWW 
, as you (soon will) know. 

  Robert B


    ----- Original Message --

    From: Robert Bennett 
    To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 7:19 PM
    Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Moving Earth Deception



     Also I don't understand your last paragraph. 


    A gentle barb at NJ and other conspiracy theorists, who don’t realize that 
the latest experiments of MS and NASA are providing more and more GS evidence….

    MS is mostly unaware of this, or ignores the paradigm conflicts, or does 
damage control with their guru spinmeisters. 


    They are innocuously supplying the seeds of their own paradigm destruction 
: Pioneer anomaly,  radar detection of meteors,  ZL symmetry,  the aberration 
of solar system aberrations, etc.  


    Let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater.


    Robert B





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