[geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:06:51 +1000

 Paul you consistently ask for a proof of a conspiracy..  This funny money is 
the big one.. in fact it is the only one that is the cause of or behind the 
rest..  Why don't you challenge it and try to get a politician to respond ... I 
have for over 40 years now, and I can tell you you will fail to get any media 
or politician response  that would alert the public.. From the attachnment you 
probabvly wont read, 

We are kept in the dark about the fact that when something is socially 
desirable, such as a new hospital or a new school, and when the materials and 
unemployed builders are available, and when only the shortage of money is 
stopping the project, then debt-free money could be created by the government 
and the project could go ahead with the consequent benefits for all.

There is a conspiracy of silence shrouding monetary reform. It is never raised 
in Parliament, never discussed in the media. The whole topic of 
government-created money is taboo.

We are trapped in the hidebound thinking of those in favour of the status quo. 
It is understandable that bankers and those who profit from the present system 
want to keep quiet about it.

However, it is inexcusable for politicians and the media to go along with it. 
Why do they do so? Largely, the media is in hock to the bankers and financial 

The politicians have swallowed the bankers' theory that money matters are best 
left in the hands of financiers. We have to force them into debate and show 
that the theory is false.

The above is not quite true..  In 1939 the Australian Government was in the 
middle of a Royal commission into banking and reform, as were Canada, England, 
Japan, and some other countries..  Germany was a rising star of prosperity 
using it... The response of Protocol 7 from a book written long ago in the 
1800's was spot on then, and it is even more accurate and closer to fruition 
now.. You can call it coincidence...  but that is because you have closed your 
mind with disbelief.  Most people protestant, Catholic or joe blow  do that 
when challenged. This is why Allen and Bernie who believe themselves to be 
perfect, will never admit to any error.   I have never denied any challenge 
till I checked it out. ..  I seek and find..  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: philip madsen 
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 12:15 PM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming

  A note to those who should read the attachment funny money I sent... Where 
ever it says Bank of England, rewrite central bank... usually called reserve 
bank, because the reserves used to be held there. .. These central banks are 
not Government owned..  but private bankers..  owned.. The government appoints 
ONE director, in australia , usually chosen from the others, who is merely a 
mouthpiece.   the government could abolish the whole system and install the 
real social credit debt free system, by paying them out with its own credit, 
but this will start a war..  local if it was australia alone, or world wide if 
an alliance of nations did it, such as Germany Japan and Italy..  At the start 
many people in the free world wanted to join with the axis powers .. They were 
largly interned..  .... 

  You want to know why this book is banned and people have been jailed for 
having it, soon to be universal, read this..  I have highlighted the part 
referencing the above..  


  Pge 166


  Object of the intensification of armaments. Ferments, discords and hostility 
all over the world. Checking the opposition of the goyim by wars and by a 
universal war. Secrecy means success in the political. The Press and public 
opinion. The guns of America, China and Japan. 

  The intensification of armaments, the increase of police force~ -are all 
essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we have to get 
at is that there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves. 
only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaries devoted to our 
interests, police and soldiers. 

  Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other 
continents also, we must create fer- ments, discords and hostility. Therein we 
gain a double advantage. In the first place we keep in check all countries, for 
they well know that we have the power whenever we like to create disorders or 
to restore order. All these countries are accustomed to see in us an 
indispensable force of coercion. In the second place, by our intrigues we shall 
tangle up all the threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all 
States by means of the political, by economic treaties, or loan obligations. In 
order to succeed in this we must use great cunning and penetration during 
negotiations and agreements, but as regards what is called the "official 
laguage," we shall keep to the opposite tactics and assume the mask of honesty 
and compliancy. In this way the peoples and governments of the goyim, whom we 
have taught to look only at the outside whatever we present to their notice, 
will still continuc to accept us as the benefactors and saviours of the human 


  We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with 
the neighbours of that country 

  which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbours shoul also veture to stand 
collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal 

  The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its 
undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat.

  We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action in the direction 
favoured by our widely-conceived plan already approaching the desired 
consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted 
by us through the means of that so-called

  Great Power" -the Press, which, with a few exce,ption that may be dis 
regarded, is already entirely in our hands 

  In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the govern ments of the goyim in 
Europe in check, we shall show

  our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to

  all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising agains us, we shall 
respond with the guns of America or China, or Japan. 

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: philip madsen 
    To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 9:48 AM
    Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming

    There are lots of Jewish reasons why social credit will not work..  All 
Jewish..  Its like National socialism is not Communism, but it still is 
totalitarianism.. And both use social credit economics as regards the money 
supply, yet it is toward slavery of the masses. 

    The word social as misused as it is, comes from the word "society". I 
prefer the term "economic democracy" .    liberal and conservative are also 
misnomers..  I am a conservative progressive liberal. 

    Economic democracy means that all money should be created by an independent 
agency of the state and issued at cost of production,  (which is virtually 
nothing)  to the consumers of goods produced.  Of course there are rules checks 
and balances , the main one of course being that the amount of money must equal 
the value of the goods available for sale, and balance is maintained annually 
if you like. The democracy part is that peoples vote with their money..  IE  
people who manufacture faulty goods do not sell much.. and will go out of 
business. . The system was designed by an army engineer, a protestant as well, 
though the principles involved were always Catholic from the earliest of times, 
before the Jews got control of the banking system, and created all money as a 
debt.  His name was Major Douglas, and his basic book was called Economic 
Democracy.. It works because his was an engineering problem not an economic 
one,, Money is a transport mechanism to distribute goods and labour.. It has no 
intrinsic value in itself.  

    If you give 12 economists a problem they will come up with 13 answers.  .. 

    I t was used by Hitler to make Germany enormous during the depression. 

    Australia used it once during the same period, and built the Grand 
continental Railway from adelaide to Kalgoorly  free of debt.. to a large 
degree the Coomonwealth Bank saved australia from the worst of the depression.. 
This was why it had to go.  It is no longer ... 

    Back then when people borrowed from the peoples Bank, they owed the money 
to themselves. not the private bankers . Its advertising motto was "get with 
the strength"  .. Oh how the international Jew bankers hated that slogan. 

    Pauls answer to the problem I gave is simple..  If 1000 people get marooned 
on the island that has many resources , they elect a leader.  They nominate a 
readily available stone as currency. they open a book and enter credits for 
each individual. this is the base money issued to all for basic necessities. 
Some people will then work privately others for the governmentand earn and 
spend.. and so distribution of goods is effected. Society will grow..  (social 
) credit.. get it? 

    pS the whole problem is well documented for Paul .. see attached  

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Bernie Brauer 
      To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
      Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 5:18 AM
      Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming


            What is "social credit"?

            The word "social" seems to have become a euphemism for stealing.
            Thus "socialized medicine" becomes "stolen medicine" ( the people
            who PUT AN EFFORT INTO keeping themselves healthy, productive,
            and financially frugal are forced to hand over $1,000 dollars to a 
            who keeps $501 for himself and gives $499 to a person who has put an
            effort into living a unhealthy, spendthrift, unproductive lifestyle 
            that his body can be repaired.

            Here is why "stolen credit" wouldn't work"


            --- On Tue, 11/25/08, philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

              From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
              Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming
              To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 12:47 AM

              How are your checks coming?

              Paul D   Its a long essay, going back 7000 years on one side, 
Biblical , and a lot further on your figures, evolutionary wise.. and then 
projecting forward. Of course I am certain there will not be another 1000 
years, in Gods planning, so all the aborted would have fitted in very well, but 
Ill pretend..and let nature flow..  

              Have you read my tips on how to provide a prosperous healthy life 
for the entire population of Australia moved to Tasmania yet, only from the 
local resources of that island?  Without demolishing all the trees either? Ill 
slip it again, its called social credit...  not debt..  
                ----- Original Message ----- 
                From: Paul Deema 
                To: Geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
                Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:10 PM
                Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming

                Philip M

                You said -- From philip madsen Wed Nov 19 14:56:55 2008

                  And here you are , on the basis of your gloomy predictions of 
a 1000  years hence calling for a culling of the current population, Murder by 
another name even if it is by deprivation . 

                  I will check your figures, as I doubt them as regards the 
overpopulation question, in 1000 years time. 
                How are your checks coming?

                Paul D


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