[geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming.

  • From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 17:01:35 -0800

A fine post by Jim McCanney. Do you subscribe to his radio show? Is it any good? Have you invited him to our humble forum?

-----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:29:53 +1000
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming.

really pulled out all the stops. You just knew there was no way I'd check them all didn't you?  Paul
I'm just passing it on Paul. I certainly did not check much of it..  I am confident in my own science reasoning ability.. After all I successfully challenged the whole world of science in counting from 1 to 10.. as being a minority and totally correct. Rebel professor Jim Mccanney today sort of put it in a nutshell.. even though I know he doesn't get everything totally right either.  But his approach is ...

November 24, 2008 posting ... current indicators show that standard tier II and III "science" is on a dedicated course to try to justify their outdated and absurd theories of the solar system and planet earth including the subjects of archaeology - geology - atmospheric science - meteorology - astronomy, space science and astrophysics - evolutionary biology and this of course feeds into history and the history of man (our most important topic) ... not to mention the archaic belief that inertial rockets will get us to the great final frontier - outer space ... so for decades to come you will see NO CHANGE in the news media coming to you from the controlled popular news outlets ... which derive ultimately from the "respected refereed science journals" and gov agencies like NASA - NSF (The National Science Foundation) etc etc ... for example i just saw a posting for a book showing how earth quakes explain all the mass extinctions and micro extinctions of man throughout history ... geeeee ... i guess the earth just jumps up and does this on its own ... no input or justification for why earth is so active if it has not had any encounters from nearby passing large celestial objects in its history ... government funded science is a money - stature game ... just like getting an A in a college course ... the professor tells you something ... you repeat it on the test ... and you get an "A" ... meaning that you repeated what you were told ... so when you graduate ... if you are Magna Cum Laude ... this means you are the best at repeating what you are told ... and has little to do with "thinking" ... so when these people go out and get jobs as scientists - engineers or even science news reporting and editing agents ... they are experts at repeating what they are told and this brings a new form of reward ... a pay check ... what a convenient system ... and if they think and do not repeat what they are told ... there is someone waiting there to take their place who will be glad to do the repeating for a nice paycheck ... need i say more ... that is why more and more people are coming to my radio show and web page for real science information ... because you will surly not get it "out there" ... jim mccanney

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Deema
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 6:51 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Conspiracy and global warming.

Philip M

Your post -- From philip madsen Sun Nov 23 17:37:23 2008 -- really pulled out all the stops. You just knew there was no way I'd check them all didn't you?


First, references beginning " <http://epw.senate.gov...> brought up  404 errors.
Second, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/10/AR2008111001868.html?sub%3DAR&sub=AR. It is journalistic, conversational style musings. Good reading on Sunday mornings if you buy the papers. In this article at least "... 'Inconvenient Truth' and "... I have failed ..." does not mean "I was wrong about global warming". To pretend that it does is dishonest -- typical Headline Journalism. If you don't believe me -- read it yourself.
Third, http://www.dailytech.com/Sea+Ice+Growing+at+Fastest+Pace+on+Record/article13385.htm. This is a blog containing a reasonable mix of informed and uninformed comment.
I've extracted one of the reasonable comments (emphasis mine) --
RE: Pace vs. Quantity
By hlper on 11/10/08, Rating: 2
By hlper on 11/10/2008 1:45:52 PM , Rating: 2
I agree that polution and global warming are threats. However, this is why Mr. Asher's posts are so important to a complete diologue.
In both cases you said that polution was the cause. However, the truth is that although there may be scientific evidence to support these points of view, neither case can be completly validated. These conclusions are from models, and it is impossible to demonstrate in an actual system that removal of these polutants would change anything. We would need another Earth for that.
At any rate, can it be a bad idea to control the rate at which we change the composition of our atmosphere? I vote no.
Paul D

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