[gameprogrammer] Re: Fast development over multiple platforms, which language?

  • From: Brian Barrett <brian.ripoff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 15:12:57 +0000

so you say it basically pre-compiles the porgram into native and then
executes that( in one big go ), or does it take each piece of code
individually and substitute  machine code for it( like standard
interpreters ). either way has overheads not associated with
straight-to-native languages.  i still think non-native-compiled java
is interpreted however, but perhaps my views are wrong...

btw i like using java where speed doesn't count, for guis mainly. i
used c/c++ under the allusion of speed. i prefer not having to deal
with memory managment in java, but as i am relatively new to c/c++
once i get the hang of not leaking memory from everywhere i might
prefer the tighter control it gives you.

can you use SDL in java,or am i just dreaming again

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