[argyllcms] Re: Capture One Profiles

  • From: Elle Stone <l.elle.stone@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 12:42:23 -0400

> In color managed workflow the RAW conversion should be done all the same way 
> as while
> shooting the target. I.e. without "balancing".

Every camera's sensor has different sensitivities to different waves
of light, determined in large part by the color filters over the
pixels that allow the sensor to respond differently to different
colors of light, sensors being color blind in general. So to get for
example D65 white balance, the channel multipliers are different
depending on the camera, the sensor, the color filters, and no doubt
in-camera processing while creating the raw file. Amost always the
channel multiplier for red and blue is much higher than the multiplier
for green for daylight WB, unless the camera itself is massaging the
signals before saving the raw file (there is one camera in the UFRaw
database that uses "1 1 1 1" as the daylight multipliers).

I've created camera input profiles using "uniwb" for the target shot.
They are a PIA to use on actual images, require that the image shot
also be "uniwb" rather than color balanced. Then good luck trying to
modify the color balance afterwards. I suppose for a studio situation
it would be useable.

Kind regards,

http://ninedegreesbelow.com - articles on open source digital photography

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