[pythian] Re: CODE - Network

  • From: Darryl Long <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 22:27:32 -0700

mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>About latency and pings etc, I think we should decide now what sort of
>target connection we'll be looking at. Are we going to focus on
>broadband only, or modems too? What sort of ping times will be required?
 From what I've read, our engine should expect typical latency in the 
250-350ms range.  It must be able to gracefully handle everything up to 
5 seconds.  Anything beyond that we'll just disconnect the poor sod.

>In other news, progress here at chez mike has been unfortunately non
>existant as far as the project is concerned.
Bad Mike.  What can we do to get skeletally animated characters going in 
the engine?  Even if you just explain how Cal3D is supposed to work, and 
how I can change the Golurut into a Cal3D model, I'll do it all.

>Don't worry, I haven't abandoned the project! I just wish I could get
>paid to work on it, that'd be much simpler :)
I've been trying to figure out how to do that for 2 years.  Every time I 
think of something you tell me that it's not fair forthe other members. 
 Bah :(

>By the way Darryl where have you been lately? I haven't seen you on
>ICQ for ages.
I've been away most weekends.  As you know, I'm moving back across the 
country at the end of August, so I've been caught up dealing with 
moving-related crap also.


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