[pythian] Re: CODE - Network

  • From: "kk \"sheshum\"" <krauspe@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 08:55:32 +0200

let me read all the stuff you have written...

I am preparing an email about all this... much ofthe things you are
discutting have been already done... like the UDP datagram parser (e.g. 1450
byte UDP datagrams) or the system to check duplicate UDP datagrams etc.

I also know and want to talk about some matters about the protocol, how to
send angles (rotation), bit-state sets (like move forward, strafe left),
secure-high overhead (TCP) and unsecure - low overhead (UDP) protocol use,
about scene synch, scripting commands and network managment etc.

So... I need some time to prepare this.


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