[pythian] Re: CODE - Network

  • From: Darryl Long <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 00:08:38 -0700

>I understand this would put a large strain on the server, but we need
>something in place to ensure people aren't altering their clients to cheat.
Steve and I have talked about this a bit and we've concluded that the 
risk (being Open Source) of being very easily hacked is too great for us 
to trust the clients about anything.  We have two choices: (1) who cares 
about security, let's just be friends, or (2) watch everything the 
player does.

(1) would be easy and we could be done really fast, but people will hate 
us for it down the road if we go that way.

For (2), the server must simulate everything during battles.  That 
include projectiles, sword swings, character movement, and everything. 
 As Steve mentioned, if things are off by even a little, and it's 
someone else's fault, people will freak out.  So we have to make sure 
that if someone gets screwed by lag, it's you getting screwed by your 
own lag.

The character stats, inventory and money all need to be stored at the 
server.  Any transactions that player may perform must go through the 
server.  In this way, the server is like a database server, and no data 
is stored locally on the client.  That said, a temporary copy of the 
character data is stored on the client, but if this doesn't match the 
server, the server data always takes precedence.

The client will simulate non-essential physics such as movement of the 
player character and objects the character sets in motion.  For 
instance, if the PC kicks a rock, the rock will move and be simulated on 
the client.  However, the server will check the position updates 
periodically to make sure nothing funny happens (such as a teleport).

Any thoughts?  Other than "Oh, that requires too much server processing 
time."  Obviously that's a concern, but let's just talk about how it 
should work first, then worry about the implementation.


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