RE: Oracle's relationships with expert DBAs (and the rest of us mere mortals)

  • From: "Keith Moore" <kmoore@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: kevinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 12:35:48 -0500 (CDT)

I'm not doubting you as I've seen some of the same surveys, but here is a
survey by Merill Lynch of 75 US and 25 European CIOs.



"In the overall server market, the survey found, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and
Dell were winners over Sun Microsystems. CIOs perceived these companies?
products to be more power efficient -- a quality 28% of the survey
respondents said mattered in their purchasing decisions -- than Sun.

Farmer said Sun?s poor showing was likely due to the recent introduction
of its more power-efficient platforms like the new T1 Niagara servers,
which he said were still in the "tire-kicking stage."

But the survey offered some good news for Sun Microsystems. About 75% of
the survey respondents said they think Sun?s Solaris operating system is
better on x86 servers than Linux.

"Although it?s too early to call a trend, we have heard anecdotally of
instances where Solaris is replacing Linux," Farmer said. "This would be
bullish for Sun if it became widespread."

>       Sales of Unix are down and 'Sales' of Linux are up by virtually
> every survey I see. I think that yes it probably has happened a lot.
> And, as I can now testify yes at least one Sun shop has ditched Solaris
> for RedHat whilst running e-business suite so Oracle apps people do it
> as well.
> ...right, I'm aware of current market trends. I was asking about the
> specific statement above. I don't think "we" dumped Unix years ago for
> Linux.
> --
> //


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