[modeleng] Re: Solder Qestion

  • From: "Jesse Livingston" <fernj1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <modeleng@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 06:16:01 -0500


There used to be a really good liquid soldering flux called "Green Streak'. 
It was an acid type and available at hardware stores all over the USA.  I 
have bought similar types, the latest one  called "Ruby Fluid" which I got 
at the local small mom and pop hardware store here in the wilds of Troy, TN. 
(Wally World and Lowes haven't got all of the little people yet) Any of 
these liquid acid type fluxes will do a great job.  Put them into the 
cleaned opening before you start heating because it is impossible to do so 
once the metal is hot.  Be liberal with the flux and don't breathe the fumes 
as they are irritating to nasal passages albeit only temporarily.  Keep the 
stuff away from lathe beds and mill tables as it will rust them..  I always 
wash my hands with soap after handling solder jobs to "kill" the acid.

Jesse the Redneck 


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