[lit-ideas] Re: Faith

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 20:15:15 -0400


>These three acts of  the mind are expressed in (1) terms, (2) propositions 
>and (3)
>arguments.  I do not agree with your definition of faith so when we
>are using the word we are using a term in two different ways and it
>is muddying the rest of the dialogue.  You are defining faith in a
>type of Freudian wish fulfillment role and I'm not so unless we can
>agree on a definition we are at an impasse right out of the gate.

Maybe ours are closer than you think and I just can't seem to elucidate it.

What's YOUR definition?

Like I said, it's been a few hours, and NO ONE has offered up an 
alternative to what they think I mean.

By "faith" (in the religious sense mainly) I mean, a state in which someone 
holds beliefs and follows those beliefs. He/she insists on these beliefs 
even in the face of a complete lack of evidence other than an argument from 
authority. The paucity of said evidence does NOTHING to dissuade the person 
from keeping this faith. This faith is almost exclusively a herd-mentality 

never ready to hit 'send' but I do anyway,


[insert pithy quote here]
Paul Stone
Leamington, ON. Canada

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