[lit-ideas] Re: Eric's hypocritcal wars

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 15:25:34 -0400


"It's curious that someone who called me a shit face and a misanthropic
troll is now upset over ad hominem attacks.  One of life's little

shit-faced = drunk
misanthrop = someone who has nothing but disdain for all or virtually
all of humanity
troll = one who posts to public forums for the purpose of provoking

I can't know if you were in fact drunk on the occasion I made this
comment, but your response was bizarre and it was the character of the
post to which I was referring.  As to being a misanthrop, every post of
yours seems to revel in it.  The reference is less to your character,
since there is obviously some question on this matter, but to your
posts.  Your posts are consistently misanthropic, full of references to
how stupid and idiotic human beings are.  Finally, the troll bit, is
also a character of your posts in that they are designed to provoke
people to response.  I may be straddling a fine line here but I like to
think that the above comments are directed at your posts and not your
person.  In other words, the posts you send to this list are at times
bizarre, certainly full of loathing for human beings, and in general aim
to provoke people into responding.  How this relates to you as a person,
I don't know and frankly I don't care, and I certainly am not going to
tell you how you should live your life.  I do, however, think I can
comment on what is posted to the list.  Finally, your reference to ad
hominem is not accurate since my comments regarding your posts are not
intended to function as comments on your arguments, such as they may be.

Still sad,

Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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