[geocentrism] Re: Wise as a serpent

  • From: Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 10:06:10 -0700 (PDT)

  If Geocentrism answers cosmological questions ten times better than 
  than that fact should be declared also. Then Geocentrism should be the 
  view that is promoted and heliocentricity should be criticized and denigrated.
  And if a Geobounded Universe seems to answer cosmological questions two times 
  than Geocentrism then its validity should be investigated, but not have a
  cosmologcal view that is Ten Times Better than heliocentricity discarded.
  Also my own personal pet theory is that "THEY" might have visited you to
  stop you from telling the truth, forcing you to gradually do a turnaround.
  They have their ways of dealing with WTC truthtellers, Apollo exposers, etc
  It's just a maybe, but is what I thought when I first visted your site,
  "THEY will not allow this high level of truth to become widely publicized,
  this site is too good, this will be shut down." I often wonder, "Where is the
  essay on Moon Landing Feasibility?" 
  If the human belief/perception in the One and Only Truth of a Subject is a 
matter of percentage or degree/magnitude of being correct then Geocentrism is 
the winner
  over everything else right now  

Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Christ stated that he was not alone. Therefore, I am not alone. I know that The 
Almighty is with me and will not desert me. I may desert The Almighty, that's 
true, but The Almighty will never desert me.

As regards geocentrism, you are correct. I used to try and force the science to 
fit with the Bible. Now that 'accounts' such as Joshua's Long day are seen to 
be false ramblings of a demonic race, I no longer have a Biblical 'base' for 
geocentrism. In fact, I now think that geocentrism is false. Let me quickly add 
that I have always believed (and still firmly believe) that 
heliocentrism/acentrism is false. I'm still, like the rest of us I suppose, 
trying to figure out what the reality is.

The book is irrelevant. I proclaim that The Almighty exists and is goodness, 
truth, love, mercy, compassion and light. And at that, I rest my case. (Suppose 
that makes me a Deist.)


    -----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sat, 17 May 2008 08:26:14 +1000

      In short, I now defend The Almighty, as I perceive The Almighty to be. 
The black book does not fit in anymore with this understanding and I very much 
regret that it ever did. Neville.
  This means Neville that you deny God ever came to reveal anything to 
mankind..  This makes you and those of similar thought awfully alone, having 
only the imaginings of your fragile mind. 
  It must mean as well that you have no valid argument to direct you towards 
Geocentrism. This puts you with the majority anyway, even if its not validly 
  If Science alone, came to the conclusion that geocentrism was indeed the true 
cosmology, and I believe it will one day, Science will still be awfully alone, 
because it does not recognise the Book, or those who compiled its contents. 

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