[geocentrism] Re: Passover and Easter Dates Reversed

  • From: "Philip" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 07:57:48 +1000

Carl said, 
You showed how the Catholic Church united the world's worship.  That's 
good if you are a Catholic, but scary if you see the Scriptures 
promoting something else! 
I do not see how being united in worship as being scary or contrary to 
scripture..  I was worried though that the concern was only for a united date 
being chosen, and not for it to matter which was the correct date. Seeing as it 
may be almost impossible to get consus for a correct date, maybe it does not 
matter... But then perhaps the Holy Ghost has a hand in it. 

We have every reason in the world to suspect the 25th December for Christmas, 
yet maybe the Holy Ghost knows different...  Even though the Church states 
historically this was arbitarily chosen to conform with the pagan state Holiday 
of ancient Rome...   That way they got more chances at conversions, giving more 
people the opportunity for it..  

Re the overlapping, as you see from the article there were many divergencies 
within a framwork..  


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