[arachne] Re: anybody out there ?

  • From: Jason Dodd <jasorn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:27:10 -0500

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

Personally I think people ought
to dump that micro$#%t windo$e garbage. Especially win9x.

Sheeeesh!!! I'd love to, but too much hardware these days needs driver software that works only under Windoze. For example, my scanner/printer and my digital camera. Not to mentiuon the photo editing software....

Unfortunately, I can see no way to avoid Windoze if I want to use these
HW can be an issue but these days it's much less of an issue.

These days I make sure any new hw I buy supports linux(or linux supports it if need be). Of course I don't alwaya have that luxury with the things people give me and thrift store finds don't usually. For instance I just found a $30 p4 at the salvation army. Fortunately, all the hw works just fine in linux. Even hw acceleration on the ati video card. I usually use nvidia since the drivers there seem to be better.

But I wonder if you really can't use you hardware in linux.

1. Scanner - It's been years since I've done any scanning so all I can say about that is from what I've read it's better, too. I do have a pile of pictures I need to scan. Maybe I'll get to that soon.

2. Digital cameras - I think the over whelming majority of digital cameras work out of the box with linux. I think it's just a matter of plug and play. Nowadays most distros even auto mount them for you. Or at least create an icon that you just need to click and select 'mount'. A couple years ago this did seem to be an issue but I don't think it is anymore.

3. Printer - My experience here is with many HP and brother laser printers. It's been years since I've had an issue with either brand that wasn't a problem with the printer itself. There are for sure models that aren't supported.

4. Photo editing software - There are lots of great free options in linux. Unless you're some fancy smancy photo editing professional, I'm 100% positive you can cross this off of the reasons to keep windows. Even then you should probably go MAC; isn't that what all those snooty graphics artists use?

By the way, lots of those great free photo editing software titles are available in windows, too. Not trying to persuade you to try linux. I'm more of a fan of opensource in general than linux itself and these days there are plenty of great open source programs for windows and mac. Just trying to point out that those reasons for keeping windows are disappearing quickly if they haven't already for your specific hardware.

Honestly, I wouldn't have even responded if you hadn't said, "Unfortunately, I can see no way to avoid Windoze if I want to use these things."

. ,-./\ . / \ from Greg Mayman, in Adelaide, South Australia . \_,-*_/ "Queen City of The South" 34:55 S 138:36 E . v

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