[arachne] Re: Browser Won't Start In Default Home Page

  • From: Jason Dodd <jasorn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:40:32 -0600

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

Eric S. Emerson wrote:
Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

Hi Jason,
                   BTW,   CRTL-L arrow doesn't
always get me the page I want after startup....
but....ALT-F1  always gives you your homepage
whatever your homepage is set at.   <ggg>

I should clarify my, "Well said." post. I was referring to the part about arachne being graphical so it seems to me that mocking the mouse or not making arachne work well/'behave as it should' with a pointing device is off the mark.

As far as whether you use a mouse or not or how someone's particular setup works: Getting heated about that kind of thing seems to me to be hurtful as well.

One of my pet peeves is when someone asks why something doesn't work 'as it should' and instead of real answers gets workarounds like, "Why don't you do it this way?" Alternative methods are fine but they shouldn't be substitutes for making things work as they should. It's one thing to say, "We don't want it to work that way." and quite another to just accept workarounds without having in the queue a plan to correct things.

At any rate, Eric, I answered that email too quickly since my wife was yelling at me to get breakfast. I didn't mean to pile on the fact that Udo thinks you're not a mouse hater, true dos fan, or whatever negative things he said. I don't know you or Udo enough to speak to either of your computing habits. Rather I consider you both to be helpful to the community.

Arachne at FreeLists -- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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