[arachne] Re: Browser Won't Start In Default Home Page

  • From: "Udo Kuhnt" <048321887-0001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 15:09:53 +0000

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

>          What's so hard about pressing ALT-F1 ?
> It's a lot harder to find a previous page visited
> sometimes. ALT-F1 will always give you the Desktop.


the key to display the Arachne Desktop screen is F10, not Alt-F1. Alt-F1
displays the Arachne homepage, or whatever page you have selected to be
your default homepage, as every serious Arachne user should know.

Also, it does *not* depend on whether you use a DSL or an analog modem
whether Arachne displays the homepage, as I know from my 56Kbit times.
From my experience, Arachne *always* starts at the default homepage, and
displays an error message if one is not online and the page cannot be

Besides, I regard it as pretty selfish of you that you do not want
Arachne to behave like it should just because you do not want to use the
mouse. I know from your earlier statements in this forum that you are
not the fanatic and mouse-o-phobic DOS user that you pretend to be. You
use Windows all the time and surf the 'net using a Windows browser, and
I bet you do it not only with your keyboard.

Arachne is a graphical web browser; from the buttons to the links
everything has been designed to be most easily accessible with a
pointing device like a mouse. Most users would find it awkward to
control everything with the keyboard instead, particularly if they have
used a browser like Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer before. That
Arachne has so many keyboard shortcuts is an added bonus, but it
definetely should not be required to press Alt-F1 on start-up everytime
just to execute a function that is automatic in all major browsers for
good reason.

Why do *you* not simply press Ctrl-Left everytime you want to go to the
previously visited page instead of suggesting that others should press
Alt-F1 to go to the homepage page?


-- The DR-DOS/OpenDOS Enhancement Project - http://www.drdosprojects.de

-- This mail was written by a user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/
                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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