[Wittrs] Re: Linguistic Behavior: Allegations of Fallacy

  • From: "Cayuse" <z.z7@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 14:00:01 -0000

Joseph Polanik wrote:
Cayuse wrote:
It doesn't matter to me whether I say "there is experience" or "there
is experiencing". My claim would remain the same -- the argument
"there is experiencing, therefore there is an experiencer" is not
logically sound.
so, here is the question that challenges your claim that the argument
'there is experiencing, therefore there is an experiencer' is
logically unsound: how is it possible that there is an experience of
an afterimage when nothing is experiencing that afterimage?

The after-image is part of the data of experience.
There is no requirement to postulate an "experiencer" of that data.


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