Re: [steem] Processors

  • From: "Summa" <flotorian@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: steem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 12:34:48 +0200

Hi Russ,

sorry for bringing myself back into that discussion again... 

On 14 Aug 2002 at 16:14, Steem Authors wrote:

> Hi,
> > > programs that require an 030 processor and will definitely run on an 030
> > > processor machine without TT/Falcon hardware?
> >
> > Perhaps our selfmade programs ;)
> > Some people (like me) are still loving programming in this enviroment.
> Would it make a lot of difference for a programmer? After all the main
> benefit of an 030 was the speed increase, and there is already an option in
> Steem to do that.

The 030 has an improved processor instruction set that will speed up 
such programms on real 030 machines and probably even increase the 
speed of the emulation since those commands should be easier to 
emulate and therefore needs less processing power...
Anyway, as I already stated the main advantage would be the increase 
of address space, since the 68000 is limited to 16MB while the 030 
can address up to 3GB and that way fast and virtual memory support 
could be added...
My guess is that the emulator programmers of the Amiga Emulator UAE 
had some reasons to emulate the multiple processor types as well... 

> > And what about Mint and whatever multitasking enviroments you want?
> I have a version of Mint that runs fine on a 68000, are there better
> versions that don't?

The additional improvement for mint would be the memory protection, 
what protects the OS and the running software against crashing 
applications. Something that is interesting for users and software 
development as well... 

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