Re: [steem] STE DMA sound replay rate

  • From: Ryan <ryan_470@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: steem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 23:01:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hehe, don't you mean filtering, and not antialiasing? 
Steem seems to do bilinear filtering in a window and
full screen for me when I tell it to stretch (looks
like you're using SetStretchBltMode(HALFTONE) to me). 
It might be the video driver just feels like doing it
when it's not a multiple of two, so it doesn't get the
nearest neighbor ugliness.

The flags you were looking at relate to 3D texturing,
but the antialiasing aspect.  And they only apply to
the back buffers as you cannot render 3D directly to
the primary surface.  If you really want to use the 3D
card to draw the ST display as a texture onto a
backbuffer then blt it to the display that's up to
you.  See 'IDirect3DDevice8::SetTextureStageState',
D3DTEXF_LINEAR is what you're looking for.  I don't
think it'd be worth the hassle though!

--- Steem Authors <steem@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> > Actually - almost exactly that - Mame maintains
> both DD1 and
> > DD4 in the same binary, it's not even an option. 
> The DD1 device is
> > created, then a query is made on it to get a DD4
> device.  If it
> > succeeds great, if it fails no problem and the DD1
> device is used.
> >
> > Anything DD4 specific (not very much) just gets
> tested for:
> >
> > if (ddraw4)
> > result = IDirectDraw4_EnumDisplayModes(ddraw4,
> > else
> > result = IDirectDraw_EnumDisplayModes(ddraw,
> Interesting, that was how I was going to do it as
> well. I was wary of making
> it use DD4 automatically, after the experience of
> inadvertently using
> DirectSound 7 in v2.3 I really want to avoid any
> changes to DirectX
> versions.
> > Having said that I didn't think hardware stretch
> required DD4 - I
> > thought you could just check the caps bits for
> > DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH then blit with it.  Can't
> remember the
> > exact details though so I could be wrong.
> No, unfortunately many cards are capable of a
> hardware stretch but don't by
> default anti-alias it. In "Stretch Blt" mode Steem
> always uses stretching
> without checking that flag, that is probably not a
> good idea actually (I
> might fix that in the next version). All I could
> find to force anti-aliasing
> was DDSCAPS2_HINTANTIALIAS, but I just noticed that
> it requires the surface
> to be created with the DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE flag, that
> could cause some
> problems. Also it doesn't say whether the source or
> destination (or both)
> must have that flag to do anti-aliasing, if it needs
> to be set on the
> destination then it will cause more problems (the
> destination is the primary
> surface). I really don't want to start fiddling with
> more surfaces and
> intermediate blits, that would be nasty, especially
> for a little option like
> this.
> Thanks for your help,
> Russ

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