Re: [steem] STE DMA sound replay rate

  • From: "Steem Authors" <steem@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "Steem Discussion" <steem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 23:08:50 +0100

Hi Bryan,

> Actually - almost exactly that - Mame maintains both DD1 and
> DD4 in the same binary, it's not even an option.  The DD1 device is
> created, then a query is made on it to get a DD4 device.  If it
> succeeds great, if it fails no problem and the DD1 device is used.
> Anything DD4 specific (not very much) just gets tested for:
> if (ddraw4)
> result = IDirectDraw4_EnumDisplayModes(ddraw4,
> else
> result = IDirectDraw_EnumDisplayModes(ddraw,

Interesting, that was how I was going to do it as well. I was wary of making
it use DD4 automatically, after the experience of inadvertently using
DirectSound 7 in v2.3 I really want to avoid any changes to DirectX

> Having said that I didn't think hardware stretch required DD4 - I
> thought you could just check the caps bits for
> DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH then blit with it.  Can't remember the
> exact details though so I could be wrong.

No, unfortunately many cards are capable of a hardware stretch but don't by
default anti-alias it. In "Stretch Blt" mode Steem always uses stretching
without checking that flag, that is probably not a good idea actually (I
might fix that in the next version). All I could find to force anti-aliasing
was DDSCAPS2_HINTANTIALIAS, but I just noticed that it requires the surface
to be created with the DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE flag, that could cause some
problems. Also it doesn't say whether the source or destination (or both)
must have that flag to do anti-aliasing, if it needs to be set on the
destination then it will cause more problems (the destination is the primary
surface). I really don't want to start fiddling with more surfaces and
intermediate blits, that would be nasty, especially for a little option like

Thanks for your help,

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