Re: [PCWorks] Hidden files and folders

  • From: "Harold B." <harold7@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <pcworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 19:46:23 -0400

Clint, by "Notepad is not to be belittled" I didn't mean you belittled 
anything. I meant it can be used in many ways, ways like making a html page, 
or making batch files (which I still haven't learned how to do; maybe 
becasuse I'm not sure how I would use them), or like what I think you are 
saying in your paragraph below, for backing up an entire set of values like 
like the eight values you offered below (which helped correct my original 

I know one can export keys or even use Erunt to backup the entire registry, 
but if I wanted to keep the correct values like those you see below, I was 
wondering if the way to do it was (see my "correct me if I am wrong" 
paragraph below). Would that be the way to do it that I thought you were 
describing in your "You can make backup of your kyes" paragraph below.

Btw, you use Metapad, I think Hugh uses 1st Page, and I still use Notepad+ 
... all improvements (and there are many more) over the original Windows 

>> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN]
>> "RegPath"="Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced"
>> "Text"="@shell32.dll,-30501"
>> "Type"="radio"
>> "CheckedValue"=dword:00000002
>> "ValueName"="Hidden"
>> "DefaultValue"=dword:00000002
>> "HKeyRoot"=dword:80000001
>> "HelpID"="shell.hlp#51104"

My question is, is the following another way of backing up a series of 
values ending with a reg file that one can click if needed and correcting an 
error in any one of those values? I'm suggesting this only because you said 
it is possible by following a path to "end up going to the wrong main key, 
and editing the wrong sub-key. You can't mess up a reg file, mess with it 
all you want, THEN when you're sure it's correct it can then be imported, 
and to the correct location. They are also a big time-saver. I have loads of 
reg files saved for various fixes and tweaks, and when I install a new main 
HD or reformat, I can click away at the files instead of having to manually 
search for each key and manually make the changes."

> <clip> Correct me if I am wrong now but were I to back up the correction 
> in the first instance, (nohidden), I would copy into Notepad just the 
> eight values (NOT the path) and save it as a reg file. And were this error 
> to happen again and I suspected a change in those values, I would just 
> click that reg file and let it enter into the registry? I'm wondering what 
> you would name that reg file with the above eight values in it.<clip> ---  
> Harold

>>> You can make backups of your keys, then just import those above and see 
>>> if they fix it. A quick of way of doing this is after you export your 
>>> key values for these, drag and copy them, then open each copy in 
>>> Notepad, delete the contents then paste this data in them. (Of course 
>>> one area for one reg file, and the other area for other reg file). Then 
>>> click and import them. Those long lines above did not wrap when I 
>>> checked, so you should not need to modify them. 9 lines each, not 
>>> counting the Registry Editor version and line skip. Or if you'd rather 
>>> you can just manually change yours to these after making backups of your 
>>> keys. -Clint

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