[pasmembers] For the Meeting of the Minds this Thursday Feb12 - send discussion topics

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: PAS Members ListServ <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 11:16:08 -0700

I hope to see all PAS Members at the Meeting of the Minds to start with. We
will open up to the few topics that are not related to the Star Tours group
topic, and then those who wish to depart for the night, may, and those who
are IN the Star Tours Group or are interested in talking about it and
giving their input or just listening, can stay. My guess is we will have a
great turnout, and a lot of snacks to share.
President Bruce will provide the bottled water, but please bring a snack to
share and let's make this a party!

What makes this a party? Food, Friends, Great conversation. Anyone is
welcoem to attned, but if you bring someone who isn't part of the Star
Tours Team or a PAS member, you might want to leave with them. So, consider
not having extra folk with us at this meeting, this time.

We will not be doing anything spectacular due to the topic at hand will
probably be a minimum of 1.5 hour discussion (Star Tours Group). So, I'd
like to devote most of the time to that purpose. I will update the MOM's
Agenda so everyone knows what we have planned, in a day or so.

Let's make this meeting productive, a party, and fun for all who attend.

I'm attaching the Agenda, the way it stands right now, before revisions,
and will probably send it out again, Thursday morning, revised to fit the
needs of this meeting.

We will see you there!
Have a spectacular Monday!
Terri, Event Coordinator

If you are part of the Star Tours Team and you can't make the meeting,
please be sure to read the review so you are up to-date on any changes,
ideas, etc.

I appreciate all input. The attached MOM's Agenda was from Jan 19 (last
update). I will get that revised before the meeting, just not today.

What I would like from the Star Tours Team is email me, not the group, a
list of sub topics to talk about, specific to the Star Tours team topic.


How much to charge for star parties?
School star parties
Scout star parties

etc... I want to *make an organized list*, and see if we can't put it into
a format that can be discussed, and then if needed, voted on. We aren't
really voting, we are agreeing to stuff. Your input is requested. So, break
down your discussion ideas, and let's make a list of what we need to
discuss, and i will put it into an outline, organized format for on the
board, so we can stay within a topic at a time and finish it's discussion,
before moving on to the next topic. Thanks for your help in forming this

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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<http://www.facebook.com/people/Terri-Finch/1021922600> Page
Visit my Music Page: Private Music Instructor
<http://www.MusicLessonsbyTerri.com> & Music Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-Lessons-by-Terri/170920862925772> Page

Attachment: PAS Meeting of the Minds.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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