[lit-ideas] Re: The meaning of life

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 07:13:12 +0700

Eric Yost wrote:

"Put yet another way, if I speak Spanish to argue against the position
that Spanish is the only language, I am not reinforcing the contention
that only Spanish exists. Rather I am attempting, however clumsily, to
communicate with someone on their own terms."

A small point, since I don't want to take away from the other
interesting conversations Eric is involved in.

If Eric is wanting to show that there is more to this world than logic
and rationality, then I happily agree with him.  I also am fairly
certain Walter would agree as well so I am not entirely sure who Eric
is disagreeing with.  But I have missed much of this thread so I may
not appreciate the gist of Eric's comments.

My point would be that to use language and ideas requires defining
things according to what they are and what they are not.  This
requirement is one condition that makes language possible.  It is also
a condition that makes translation from one language into another,
possible.  There is more than language, but as soon as we want to
reflect, understand, and discuss, we are within language, and its


Phil Enns
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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