[lit-ideas] Re: The meaning of life

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 10:12:10 -0500

Questioner: What is the meaning of life?
Krishnamurti: Who wants to know?

[way down the Neoplatoist spiritual ladder]

Someone else: What is the meaning of life?

Eric: A meaningful life!

Someone else: That's a fancy way of saying nothing.

Eric: Asking after the meaning of life is a symptom. In the young it's a symptom of emerging self-reflection. In older folk, it's a symptom of re-evaluation, that is to say, it's a call to attention. If we pay attention to our own lives, the question of meaning, solus, never emerges.

Someone else: Human life is a necessary condition of meaning ...

Eric: If you say so.

Someone else: I do.

Eric: And this is helpful ... how?

Someone else: Stating that "human life is a necessary condition of meaning" allows me to pretend to look down on the value systems of other people from an alleged transcendental perspective. That way, when somebody I disagree with talks about courage or integrity, I can smirk and say that all these terms are culture-based, provisional, or even adventitious illusions.

Eric: Why would you want to do that?

Someone else: By claiming all meaning is human, hence cultural, I can avoid examining my own and other people's failures and strivings ... since after all, meaning is contingent and therefore a type of choice among other choices.

Eric: So the motive is fear?

Someone else: If you say so.

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