[lit-ideas] Re: Link to "Mohammed" cartoons

  • From: "Cassidy Dann" <cassidy_dann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:28:43 -0500

I am reminded of some of the arguments of Samuel P. Huntington in Clash of
Civilizations.  No matter how the U.S. and European nations argue and
bicker, when it comes to serious clashes with other "civilizations," the
West shall band together.   At this point it doesn't seem as though we (the
U.S. & Europe) have a common position.  We seem to have walked past each
other on this one.

That's because Europe by and large simply doesn't get the diversity/integration equation and we are streets ahead of them on it. We just can't believe, nor can we accept, by and large, the sheer blinkeredness of what seems to be the mainstream European reaction. I remember reading a Newsweek story a few years ago about the absolute dearth of minorities in European corporate boardroom. What was memorable about the story was not the bleak statistical landscape, but the response to the journalists of those being interviewed, most of which were along the lines of "track achievement by numbers, heavens, no, how barbaric, we're all color blind here!"

Blind anyway. This is just more -- the other side of the coin -- of what we saw during the French riots recently. We in the US have blundered -- and continue to blunder -- through the mire of issues raised by ethnic/cultural co-existence. Can't say we are anywhere close to Nirvana yet, but hey, at least we're grappling with it and at least we have made substantial progress. I'm darn proud of us, is what I am, right now.

I don't read Danish so I can't assert this from personal exposure, but I am told that there is some pointed and thoughtful editorial commentary going on to this effect ("we need to wake up and smell the coffee on integration") in Danish newspapers at the moment.

Sincerely, Cassidy Dann
Rappahannock, VA

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