[lit-ideas] Re: Link to "Mohammed" cartoons

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 14:21:43 -0500

>PHL: There'll be an awful lot of taboos in the world if
> all religions were to have it their way about what we can and
> cannot do.

JE: I think you miss the point, which concerns offence.

While I agree almost completely with PH's astute rendering of what's _really_ going on, I think Judy -- unintentionally -- put her finger on what the main 'problem' here is. The more that comes out, and the more complaints I hear, the more focused they are on the ONE cartoon of mohammed with bomb in his turban. More and more, the spooky "they" are adding 'besides, you just DON'T portray Mohammed in a picture" as a footnote. Even "THEY" realize how silly it is to threaten people for simply drawing a dude - "But, if you deliberately offend us, then we have a right to be [fighting] mad."

I wonder if there would be ANY crying about this if there wasn't that one really offensive drawing. I doubt there would be and if there was, it would be shouted down very quickly.

So... now, as Judy says, it simply concerns 'offence'. In a way, that's even sadder.

offended by most of the world

Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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